How did you first meet?
How does this start? Instagram, of course.
I was following her. You know all the models,
they flood the explore page. So I was following her
And somehow, I kept seeing her over and over again.
I kept focusing on her art, I was so intrigued by the art.
And then, she ended up following me back out of nowhere.
She said that she was curious to know more about me.
She asked me for my number, then eventually she
hit me up and was like ‘hey, would you like to
collaborate on building a table together?’
and I was like ‘hell yeah.’ But I get there, and we
don’t end up building no table. We talked for 11 hrs
on the first date. She told me her whole life story.
He read all my diaries that day, I had like, five diaries.
So anything she did in her life, I already knew day one.
What were your first impressions
of each other?
I was like, wow he’s so happy. How is he so happy?
It makes you want to be happy, even if you’re not happy
or feeling good about yourself. Just seeing him and
being around him is like, whoa, maybe everything
in the world is okay. Maybe I’ll be alright.
She’s very precise. You notice it when everything
is calculated. That’s the difference, I’m very in the
moment. So my first impression of her, I was like,
it makes sense. Everything she did was calculated,
she waited to hit me up. She didn’t do it right away.
She wanted that, rush like ‘wow, I can’t wait’
anticipating that moment, but you don’t know when
that moment’s gonna come. She had me on my toes.
And she was more open, more transparent than most people.
For her to be that open day one, that told a lot.
Do you know each other’s love languages?
His is touch.
She doesn’t touch so much. She likes to look at me.
I want him around. Talk to me, tell me you love me.
She wants me to talk but she don’t want to say anything.
It gets to the point where you know exactly what she wants,
you know?

If you could use one word to describe your partner, what would it be?
You don’t give a damn about what anybody thinks of you.
That’s hard… I have to say one? I've never thought of one …
giving…appreciative…she’s in-tune. It’s like a force.
She’s mind-blowing. How she is, it’s almost like she draws you in.
You’re immersed in love.

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Yes, one time he put me in carriage with horse.
And we rode and sat somewhere and had an Italian dinner.
With wine, and rode back to our car.
I try to think of outside the box, you know?
Valentine’s Day is to try to be out your comfort zone.
Like, we could always go to a dinner,
but you want something to remember for a lifetime.
What makes your partner your Dreamgirl?
What doesn’t? It’s nothing to question.
She’s everything that I was looking for and didn’t
know when it was coming. You look for that in
other people, and the second you let your guard down,
and live your life without thinking about it,
that’s when the dream comes true. My main thing
was transparency and honesty, that’s what I wanted
from a partner. Everything else is a plus. She looked good,
that’s a given, you know. You have to look deeper than that.
You have to find someone you can be able to talk to
and not feel like time exists. You don’t want to get bored.
That’s what I always wanted, and I got that,
and hold onto it, don’t do anything to mess it up.
Réal Love Vol 1 Isabella and Maleigh
How did you first meet?
The first time I met Bella, I was meeting a friend a restaurant.
As I walk in, we lock eyes. The girl I was staring at happened
to be with the friend I was meeting. It was a spark, completely.
I remember seeing her across the room, and being floored
by how beautiful she was, it was almost like a spirit walking.
She was wearing brown tones, and looked kind of mad [laughs].
I was so enamoured.
And then when she came and sat down at our table, it's funny,
she said I kept staring the whole time.
Another girl kept speaking, but I just wanted to hear what
she had to say so badly... I was really curious about her.
It was a process, a journey for us to get together solely.
There were so many life obstacles and people in the way
but timing was divine.
It's the most special relationship I've ever had.
What is your love language?
I think that my love language changes over time, but right now -
it's quality time and words of affirmation.
In a way, I feel like my love language is all of them.

I think my ideal date would be in a really safe place where
I am most comfortable. Have candlelight, music - ambiance going.
And good food. Good conversation.
I love to do things with my partner, I like to explore, I like to create.
I also enjoy just being in a very intimate space with them.
Closeness. I enjoy physical intimacy and touch.
What makes your partner your Dreamgirl?
Everything. Every single thing about her.
The way that we reflect each other.
The way we learn things through each other.
Understanding things at the same time.
The way we keep moving forward and progressing.
We really fill each other and represent such different things.
So together I feel like she teaches me to be softer in myself,
and more patient.